In the winter of 2000, I started designing my new studio using Corel Draw 8. After 3 months of work and lots of research , this is what I came up with.


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In the fall of 2002, we started building our new house with attached studio space behind the garage. The house construction went very smoothly and in the summer of 2003, I started construction of the studio. The space is a 24 x 32 ft room with a ceiling that is 11ft at the center ridge and angles to 8ft at the outside walls with a 5-12 pitch. This room is attached to the back of the garage therefore, to isolate the house/garage attic from the studio attic, the partitioning truss had to be drywalled and a hatch entrance to the studio section installed.


Next was the construction of the basement hatch door and stairway.

Then it was the mechanical decoupling joints in the floor and ceiling.


Now it was time for some serious vapor barrier installation with my super helper, son Julien the future Mutt Lange.

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